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Volunteer Showcase Submit Links

Volunteer Page 

This page has two purposes:

What do volunteers do?

Volunteers basically  give there opinions. Volunteers critique poems that have been sent to us, and  determine whether or not the poem is the type of material  we wish to convey on our on-line showcase.
The reason we need more than one volunteer for this task is to benefit the poets. The more feedback on a poem , the better. Besides, one person's view of poetry may be totally different than another person's view.

Volunteers will also have some say in how this website is run. Oh, and Volunteers will contribute their own poetry.
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What Kind of Credentials do volunteers need?

Ultimately, we are looking for people who know poetry. Not just you wrote a poem and your friends like it, but if you have formally studied poetry (i.e. college courses) and/or if you have been published you are more than welcome to volunteer. We realize this limits a lot of people, but we feel this will help us give our submitters the best possible advice we can give them. Volunteers also must share the passion we have for decent Christian poetry. 
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How do I became a volunteer?

To become a volunteer, please submit an email to us with your full name, credentials, and the reasons you wish to become a volunteer. We will most likely send you a sample poem or two to critique and send back to us. With this, we will evaluate this and see if you are approximately on the same page as we are.
We may ask you to volunteer if your poetry submissions show that you know what you are doing.
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Our Current Volunteers

Aaron J Edwards: Founder and Webmaster

Our Founder

I dabble in just about every art form (except for dancing), but I feel writing, specifically poetry, has always been my strongest points. I have taken several English lit and composition classes, including a creative writing poetry class. My favorite poets include Emily Dickinson, William Carlos Williams, and Pablo Neruda. Currently I am a student  (on hiatus due to lack of money). I work at a television studio as a master control operator and a camera shader. My goals are to write Sci-Fi, articles, and some short prose to be published


Are you our next volunteer? Email us today

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